Women Scholars and Professionals* is one of the focused ministry initiatives of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Graduate and Faculty Ministries. We long to see women in all sectors of society living wholeheartedly into their God-given callings for the sake of his glory, their joy, and the good of the world.
Recognizing the unique challenges and layers of complexity facing women who pursue higher education and the careers that follow, we provide resources online, on campus, and on location to encourage women in their spiritual, professional, and personal lives. In addition to serving women in the university, we function at the intersection of the academy and the professional worlds, bringing women together to provide support, networking, mentoring relationships, and leadership development whether they are in academics, business, law, medicine, politics, education, industry, or elsewhere.
Our Work
The Well. Welcome to The Well, our website and our main ministry hub. It offers relevant articles, book reviews, a “Dear Mentor” column and more. It also is the place to find announcements about events and gatherings we are hosting.
The Women Scholars and Professionals Podcast.** These interesting and helpful conversations give voice to women living into their God-given callings and serving as redeeming influences in the academy and beyond.
The Women Scholars and Professionals Book Club. Each semester we read a book and gather virtually to delve deeper into Christian thinking on vocation or issues of our time.
Events. Whether our virtual weekly prayer meetings or gatherings at student and faculty conferences and retreats, we host get-togethers to connect women to God and to one another for encouragement, camaraderie, and challenge.
All this work takes a village — read on about our team!

*formerly Women in the Academy and Professions
**formerly All Shall Be Well