
Blog articles offer practical advice, personal experiences, and responses to current events from the vantage point of life in academia.

By Dorcas Cheng-Tozun

“I’m not doing it for the money,” I told anyone who asked. I had chosen to work in the nonprofit sector as soon as I graduated from college, regardless of school loans or my sudden thrust into financial independence....

By Christine Jeske
What is the solution to chronic busyness? Christine Jeske suggests moving away from ultra-efficiency and deeper into grace.
By Stephanie White

A few years ago I had to decide whether or not to be tested for a genetic disorder, a choice that for me came down to whether or not I would live in fear. I remember putting it to an agnostic friend that way as I parsed through the decision...

By Dorcas Cheng-Tozun

I feel perpetually tired these days. Tired in my parenthood, tired of holding down the fort while my husband travels around the world for business, tired in the fledgling career I’m still trying to build. My best efforts keep getting poured out...

By Brenda Salter McNeil

I’ve been thinking almost non-stop about the shootings last week in Charleston. And, as I mentioned last week, I had to preach at my church yesterday as well. It’s been a profound burden for many...

By Marcia Bosscher

In the middle of a walk with my friend Jackie, I ran into The University Bookstore to pick up a copy of the NYT bestseller, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up — the irony being that Jackie is one of those women...
