As we approach the end of our calendar year, we have already entered the beginning of the liturgical year with advent. Consider shaping your devotional life in the year to come with the liturgical calendar. Bobby Gross, National Director of InterVarsity’s Graduate and Faculty Ministry, commends this practice and leads us through it in his book Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God.

“I . . . invite you, whether a new learner or a liturgical veteran, to let the year give shape to your personal practice of Bible reflection and prayer. We can inhabit God’s Story, with all of its mysteries, by habits of devotion—those disciplines by which we focus our attention on God and respond to his presence and promptings.”(p 25)
“By some mysterious grace, the light of the Christ who lived in history comes into our present experience with spiritual power, and the hope of the Christ who will return in glory to renew all things also brings power into our lives. Eternity intersects Time. Keeping the Christian year helps us to live at that intersection.” (p 32)
An interview between the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) Associate Director Micheal Hickerson and Bobby Gross about Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God is posted at the ESN blog.
We invite you to join many of us who will be following this devotional practice in the year ahead.