Welcome to — the new! — The Well!
A couple of years ago, our volunteer copyeditor at The Well, Sara (who just successfully defended her PhD — congratulations!), said to us, ”The content at The Well is so wonderful but you wouldn’t know it from the format.” It was true, but no longer. We’re excited to now have a website where form and function meet in a lovely design. Under the direction of former Women in the Academy & Professions National Director Sharon Gartland, with design by Grete Bauder, web development by Mark Breneman, and content migration by managing editor Ann Boyd, I am so pleased to present the new The Well.

Take a look around on the home page. Check out our menu options, play with the tag cloud, peruse the articles, read the blog. Sign up for the newsletter — a once-a-month email with notice of new content and occasional offers of book give-aways and promotions that are only offered there.
Connect with us! Comment, send blog posts you’ve read that we should consider posting, let us know about events in your area that would be appropriate for our audience, pitch us a story, blog entry, or interview you’d like to do for The Well. Visit our Facebook page and “like” us.
Look for our official launch celebration the week of January 14 with books, virtual festivities, and — if you’re in the Madison area — a real-life party.
The Well is sponsored by Women in the Academy & Professions — a division of InterVarsity’s Graduate & Faculty Ministries — and is supported by donations. For donations of $50 or more by December 31, we will send you a copy of Patty Kirk’s wonderful new book, The Gospel of Christmas (see Patty’s two Christmas articles in In Focus).
Welcome to — the new! — The Well,
Marcia Bosscher, Editor