Naomi Haynes

Naomi Haynes received her PhD in anthropology from the University of California, San Diego, and is currently a Chancellor’s Fellow in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh.  Her scholarship has examined the relationship between Pentecostal Christianity and social life in urban Zambia.  She is a co-curator for anthrocybib, the Anthropology of Christianity Bibliographic Blog.  In her spare time, she enjoys running, baking, and reading novels.

Contributions by Naomi Haynes
By Naomi Haynes

An anthropologist of religion describes her experience with new believers in Zambia and how, as in the book of Acts, conversion brings a reexamination of culture.

By Naomi Haynes

Naomi Haynes draws faith and inspiration from the women she encounters as she conducts her anthropology field work in Zambia.