Sara Scheunemann

Sara Scheunemann lives in Marion, Indiana, where she serves as the program coordinator for the John Wesley Honors College at Indiana Wesleyan University and teaches spiritual formation practica. During the summer months, she travels to Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, where she is a graduate student in their Christian Spirituality Program. She is a spiritual director and a runner, and she'd rather be found on a hiking trail than just about anywhere else.

Contributions by Sara Scheunemann
By Sara Scheunemann

Have you ever wished that everyone you loved lived in one place? As a child, my world was compact. All the people I loved lived in the same small Midwestern town, and my grandparents’ farm...

By Sara Scheunemann

Leoba may be the most delightful saint you have never heard of. At least, this is how I came to think of her last summer, when I met her in my course readings for Called to Holiness...

By Sara Scheunemann

Each time I recite the Apostle’s Creed I affirm that I believe in the “communion of saints.” I have often connected these words with the Book of Hebrews’ “great cloud of witnesses” and imagined them cheering me on...

By Sara Scheunemann

I vividly remember my first experience with Ash Wednesday. I was eighteen and a freshman at Marquette University, a Catholic, Jesuit school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Walking around campus that morning, I found myself surrounded by people with smudges of dirt . . .

By Sara Scheunemann

I like snowshoeing. But since I moved south of the Wisconsin border almost seven years ago, there has not been much opportunity to indulge in this winter pastime. A few hundred miles makes a difference in inches of snow received . . .

By Sara Scheunemann

Over the last few days, while tucked safely inside as snow has fallen, I watched the final film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Return of the King. It has, arguably, my favorite scene . . .

By Sara Scheunemann

Sometimes life feels like a perpetual Advent. We are waiting, always waiting. The focus of longing shifts and varies in intensity and significance, but still we wait. Our posture swings from joyful anticipation, to frustrated demands for resolution . . . 

By Sara Scheunemann

Summer wanes, and the start of the academic year is around the corner at my university. As a child, I wished the summer months away, eager to return to school. Buying notebooks and new tennis shoes . . .

By Sara Scheunemann

Many of my dreams are an odd jumble of scenes. Someone with an interest in dream interpretation would likely have a field day sorting through the images . . .

By Sara Scheunemann

I like to finish things. After hours of working on a paper or project, nothing is quite so satisfying as checking it off my to-do list. My favorite moment in event planning, which I have done a lot in several jobs . . .

By Sara Scheunemann

Rejoicing with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15) seems like it should be one of the “easy” commands of the Bible. Certainly, the call to rejoice should be a delightful one. . .

By Sara Scheunemann

A few years ago during Lent, I started picking up the books I loved as a child for another reading. Maybe I did so because I had given up television and movies, but still found myself longing for stories. Or maybe my familiar old friends...

By Sara Scheunemann

Running outside in January is, for me, a treat. I live in the Midwest where it is often too cold, too icy, too snowy, or too dark when I have time to run...

By Sara Scheunemann

I used to be a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions, so much so that I took any new beginning as an opportunity to set goals...

By Sara Scheunemann

We know very little about Anna, the prophetess. Luke shares a few brief words about her life...