October 16, 2014Dear Mentor: Finding Time for Friendships?How can I make friends as a busy professor in a new community?
September 16, 2014Dear Mentor: Is this all there is?My degree isn't offering me lucrative jobs and I'm stuck doing something I dislike. What next?
May 29, 2014Dear Mentor: Seminary with Kids?Dear Mentor: What's your advice about pursuing an online seminary degree with two young children at home?
February 12, 2014Dear Mentor: Commuter Marriage?Dear Mentor, What advice do you have for someone considering a job with a plane commute?
January 29, 2014Dear Mentor: Setting Office Hours?What are some best practices for establishing office hours as a female professor?
January 15, 2014Dear Mentor: Job search while pregnant?I just found out I am pregnant. Should I continue my job search?
January 02, 2014Dear Mentor: How do you view the new year?What place does the new calendar year have in the life of an academic?
November 04, 2013Dear Mentor: Working on Holiday BreaksShould I bring work home with me for the holidays?