(with five $500 prizes to be awarded)
This contest is closed. See the award-winners here.
We need more good stories in our lives — stories of ways women study, work, and inspire others to bring about change in this world for the sake of Christ. We at The Well are calling for stories, with five $500 cash prizes to be awarded, for compelling stories of women influencing their corner of the world.

We are seeking stories of graduate, faculty, and professional women of Christian faith who use their position and influence to impact lives and change the world in big and small ways. Women and men are eligible to submit stories; however, the subject of the entries must be women of the Christian faith preparing for or with graduate or professional degrees.
Entries may be:
- Accounts of ways you have, in big or small ways, made changes in the world.
- Stories of women you know who have made changes in the world.
- A report of your personal preparation for a life that will have influence. This may include a description of your choice of study and/or other preparation for a life of service, in addition to stories of why you have entered the field you are in and what you hope to see changed.
- A story of how you have used your influence to enable women to use their gifts for world changing.
- Stories of faithful living by women who have had an impact on others’ lives.
Entries must be original works and previously unpublished. We are expecting submissions primarily in the form of word documents (essays, stories, and transcribed interviews), but will accept entries in the format of audio files, photographic essays, or video. Any work submitted must be in a format that could be published at The Well.

Length of written submissions: 1,000 to 2,500 words
Submission: Please submit entries to The Well with the subject line “Call for Stories.”
1) For written submissions, submit in a Word document.
2) In the document, include your name, email address, and telephone number.
3) Include in the document a short bio of approximately 100 words. Bios at The Well generally include professional and academic information when applicable and some personal information.
Dates: All entries due by January 20, 2014. Prize winners will be announced by February 28.
Prizes: Five cash prizes of $500 will be awarded
Judging: Judging will be done by a panel of academic and professional women. Judges will take into account the following considerations:
- Is this story relevant to the theme of world-changing and influence by Christian academic or professional women?
- Is this story interesting and compelling in nature?
- Is this story well-written or produced?
Publication at The Well: We reserve the right to publish any submitted material at The Well.
Examples of stories currently at The Well which would fit the conditions of the “Call for Stories” include:

This contest is made possible by The Sister Fund, a private foundation that supports and gives voice to the marginalized, especially women working for healing in the world from a faith-based perspective. The Sister Fund has provided InterVarsity’s Women in the Academy & Professions with a grant for the purpose of encouraging graduate, faculty, and professional women of the Christian faith to share their stories of world-changing at The Well.