A Lenten Prayer Experience

It should constantly be our care to see God’s presence in everything, and not only to raise our minds to him when we are at prayer. — Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) 

How do you plan to observe Lent this year? Will you fast from something? Will you add a devotional experience? The options before us are vast, but one thing tends to reliably bear fruit: sharing one’s Lenten practice with a community. Whether you have never observed a Lenten prayer practice before or if you have regular traditions, we invite you to enter into a gentle rhythm of prayer with us this year. 

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During Lent, InterVarsity’s Emerging Scholars Network, Women Scholars and Professionals, and Faculty Ministry invite you to a “retreat in daily life.” Starting on Ash Wednesday, March 5, we will follow an adapted version of the Spiritual Exercises together. 

The Spiritual Exercises are a compilation of Scripture readings, meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed by Ignatius of Loyola between 1522 and 1524 to help people deepen their relationship with God. For centuries the Exercises were most commonly shared as a “long retreat” of about 30 days in solitude and silence. The most common way of going through the Exercises now is a “retreat in daily life.”

Over these eight weeks, we will follow a shortened version of the exercises that you can find online from Loyola Press.* 

Each week follows a general theme inviting us to walk with Jesus to the cross and beyond. On the website, you will find daily readings, prayers, and reflections related to these themes. This is a flexible experience. You can choose to commit to a regular period of prayer each day or start with only one day a week. Use as much or as little of the material as helps you. 

Week 1: Love, Freedom, and Purpose 
Week 2: Finding God in All Things 
Week 3: Something’s Broken 
Week 4: Knowing Jesus 
Week 5: What Do I Really Want? 
Week 6: The Public Ministry of Jesus 
Week 7: The Suffering Jesus 
Week 8: God’s Love and Our Response 

Every week: 

  • receive an email about the week’s theme 
  • spend time in Scripture and prayer 
  • share experiences and reflections  
  • join the weekly online gathering, Wednesdays at 1pm (Eastern), beginning March 5. 

As with all of our resources, we offer this Ignatian prayer experience as an opportunity to follow Jesus together. And we do so with much grace to participate in as much or as little as you feel led. For those in faculty or student groups on campus, you may want to invite the group to use these resources together or maybe invite one or two other friends into this practice as a way to begin a new community. 

However you decide to participate, we welcome you to this journey. 

* This resource is produced by Loyola Press, a ministry of the USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The basis of these exercises is following Jesus through Scripture. We invite you to use what works for you and be curious about the rest. 

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