By Caroline Triscik, Rev. Ellen Williams Hensle, Sr. Jocelyn Edathil and Sarah Cowan Johnson

"There is something about Advent that reminds me anchor is behind the veil, and with Jesus who is sitting on the throne and is going to return — and that is a sure thing."
In this special Advent episode, WAP associate Caroline Triscik interviews three guests from different Christian traditions, Rev. Ellen Williams Hensle, Sister Jocelyn Edathil, M.D., and Pastor Sarah Cowan Johnson, about their personal Advent practices. We hope you'll find something in these interviews that resonates with you as we enter this season of waiting together.
You can listen on iTunes or at All Shall Be Well: Conversations with Women in the Academy and Beyond. We hope you enjoy these conversations as much as we did.
Links mentioned in this interview:
Eternal God,
in the stillness of this night
you sent your almighty Word
to pierce the world's darkness
with the light of salvation.
As Mary waited and labored
for the birth of your son,
so we wait for his coming in glory.
Bring us through the birth pangs of this present age
to see our great salvation.
Give to the earth the peace that we long for
and fill our hearts with the joy of heaven,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.