"I have an assumption that we wouldn't grow old if this wasn't part of God's plan." — Alice Fryling
What does it look like to experience spiritual transformation through aging? Join us for this conversation with writer and spiritual director Alice Fryling as we discuss how we can position ourselves for spiritual growth at every age.
Let me invite you into a conversation with Alice Fryling, spiritual director and author of Aging Faithfully: The Holy Invitation of Growing Older. Alice is not only a prolific author and gifted teacher — she also happens to be truly one of my favorite people on earth. I met Alice in 1998 when I started seeing her for spiritual direction — a practice that continued for over two decades until Alice moved to Colorado. I remember noticing some of the early inclinations that Alice had toward writing a book on the spirituality of aging, and so I was thrilled to learn that the book was getting published — and then even more thrilled to talk with Alice about so many of these rich ideas — most of which are widely applicable for anyone seeking to live a faithful life, even if you’re not quite yet in your senior years.
This conversation felt a lot more like sitting around the fire with an old friend than hosting a podcast interview — in fact, you’ll hear that Alice and I keep talking about questions I have for her, but I never really get a chance to formally ask them because they just come up naturally. You’ll hear — we had a lot of fun together. So have a listen! We're so glad you're here.
— Ann Boyd
Further resources for this interview:
Image from Bonnie Moreland on StockSnap.