“Because if the kingdom of God is like yeast that gets worked through the whole dough, then it is activated by kneading, but it rises by resting.” — Sarah Akutagawa
In this special episode of our podcast, Sarah Akutagawa offers her take on a parable to bring a message of encouragement for grad students during this unusual season.
Are you heading into grad school this fall? If so, this episode is perfect for you. We’ve been combing through our archives and reviewing some favorite podcast moments so we can showcase a few that feel especially pertinent today.
In this episode, we're highlighting a piece that’s a little different from other conversations in our archives. It’s a short spiritual meditation — about 12 minutes long — given by Sarah Akutagawa during a webinar last summer on the topic of starting grad school in a pandemic. Sarah offers these beautiful, pastoral words about the hidden work of God that is taking place in our lives without our doing anything — it’s a wonderful message of truth, and I think you’ll like hearing it again even if you listened before.
Sarah Akutagawa serves as InterVarsity’s National Director of Diversity in addition to being a part-time graduate student at Fuller Seminary.The webinar was hosted by InterVarsity’s Graduate and Faculty Ministry on August 4, 2020, and this episode originally aired on this podcast on September 14, 2020. So have a listen! We’re so glad you’re here with us.
— Ann Boyd
Links mentioned in this interview:
Photo by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay.