“What do I know is true? I know that God is on his throne and I know that he is the author of peace.” — Carrie Bare
Listen in on our conversation with spiritual director Carrie Bare where we discuss the aftermath of the US presidential election and how we can lean into our best, most Jesus-like selves in response.
For many of us in the United States, the 2020 presidential election cycle has elicited passionate responses and profound questions. What does it mean to live as a faithful Christian in these times? How do our political opinions reflect our faith? What kinds of efforts must be made to repair divisions in the church? How can Jesus help us sort through this messy situation?
I’m so grateful for the chance to sit down again with spiritual director Carrie Bare and mull over these sticky questions. Carrie offers particular wisdom on the ways we can hold true to our own convictions while engaging in dialogue with those who think differently, all the while remembering the bedrock need for a deep, personal connection with God. I found this conversation to be challenging, comforting, and healing. We hope you enjoy it.
— Ann Boyd
Links related to this interview
Writers who think carefully about politics and faith.*
Books to spur your thinking.
Further resources.
- Consider increasing your awareness of news from a variety of perspectives. This chart from All Sides can help illuminate the perspectives of different news platforms.
- We have found this podcast series from the Center for Action and Contemplation on transforming our biases to be particularly helpful.
* We have gathered these recommended resources from Carrie and others. This list is not meant to be evenly divided across political lines. Rather, it is just our starting point as we have sought thoughtful political thinkers. If you have recommendations you’d like to add, please note them in a comment below.
Listen to the other podcasts in this series of three conversations with Carrie Bare.
Photo by Seacoast Sage from StockSnap.