“I think that true hope, that thing inside our spirits that we are clinging to and growing towards, with God’s help, is what we cling to in the deepest darkest times. It’s what keeps us going until the dawn, until spring.” — Catherine McNiel
Listen in as WAP associate Caroline Triscik interviews author Catherine McNiel. In this conversation, we discuss personal spiritual disciplines, the challenge to stay attentive in the midst of a busy life, the importance of community, and other gems found in her most recent book.
In late spring, I interviewed Luci Shaw for our podcast here (entitled, as you know, All Shall Be Well: Conversations with Women in the Academy and Beyond). As I somewhat mindlessly scrolled through Twitter that day, I stumbled on a post from author Catherine McNiel in which she wrote, “Can I get really excited with you for a minute? Luci Shaw, the Poet, has written the forward for my second book, All Shall Be Well."
Through a timely social media connection over our shared admiration of Luci Shaw’s work as well as the quote from St. Julian of Norwich, this interview with Catherine came to be. Listen in as Catherine shares her hope for new life and restoration that is found in Jesus — a hope that is not idyllic, but recognizes the depth of suffering and injustice in the world.
— Caroline Triscik
Links mentioned in this interview:

The rainbow Caroline describes at Niagara Falls. (Photo credit: Ephraim Triscik)