“There is hope and there is fruit and there is life, whether or not we one day have children. And I hope that in looking at these 25 women, that people might be encouraged and inspired and realize what abundance there is out there.” — Rev. Elizabeth Felicetti
Episcopal priest and author Elizabeth Felicetti talks with us about living a rich and generative life as a woman without children and the twenty-five women who have inspired her.
What does it look like to live a rich and generative life as a woman without children? The Reverend Elizabeth Felicetti joined us on the podcast to explore this question and talk about some of the twenty-five women she has written about in her book Unexpected Abundance: The Fruitful Lives of Women Without Children. Elizabeth shares from her own personal experience of life as a barren woman — a term which you’ll hear her reclaim in a beautifully positive way. She weaves her own story, including an ongoing fight against cancer, into the book as she highlights strong and refreshing examples of childless women throughout Scripture, history, and our present day. I especially loved Elizabeth’s emphasis on the partnership of women and her urging that women support one another regardless of maternal status. It’s a delightful conversation, and if you listen to the end, I’ve included an excerpt in which Elizabeth reveals a bit more about her journey through cancer treatments while she was completing her MFA.
So jump right in! We're so glad you're here.
You can listen on iTunes or at The Women Scholars and Professionals Podcast. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.
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