By Grace P. Cho and Caroline Triscik

“We want women to know that they’re not alone and that it doesn’t have to be a pretty bow at the end of our stories ... in the midst of the hard thing, that God is still there and that we can see him in those places.”
— Grace P. Cho
Listen in on our conversation with writer and poet Grace P. Cho where we discuss her endurance through the many challenges of this past year, Grace’s personal experience with Covid-19, and the recently published book of devotionals she co-edited.
This past fall, I began to notice the phrase take heart appear in small quiet ways in my life — through songs, through conversation, and in my time in Scripture. One day during that season, a promotion of Take Heart: 100 Devotions to Seeing God When Life’s Not Okay caught my eye. When I discovered that Grace P. Cho was one of the editors of this compilation, I invited her to be a second-time guest on our podcast here at The Well to talk about the book and share how she has endured since we last spoke a year ago. In our conversation, Grace invites us into her experience of contracting Covid-19, her journey of sharing her voice through poetry, and the spiritual practices that have recently helped her sense God’s grace more deeply. Grace also shares about Take Heart and thanks to (in)courage, we are able to offer a copy to one of our listeners. Listen in on our conversation to hear how you can be entered to win!
— Caroline Triscik
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