“Because if the kingdom of God is like yeast that gets worked through the whole dough, then it is activated by kneading, but it rises by resting.” — Sarah Akutagawa
In this special episode of our podcast, Sarah Akutagawa offers her take on a parable to bring a message of encouragement for grad students during this unusual season.
Just before the new academic year began, InterVarsity’s Graduate and Faculty Ministries invited graduate students across the country to join in a webinar entitled "Anxiety and Aspiration: Starting Grad School During a Pandemic." Those who participated in the event explored the complexity of emotions that grad school during a pandemic may bring. Sarah Akutagawa, InterVarsity’s National Director of Diversity and part-time grad student, offered her thoughts from the parable of the yeast and the invitation to consider the relationship between work and rest. Through this excerpt and the image of baking bread, Sarah reminds us that we are not alone in our journey and encourages us to experience the presence of Christ and the kingdom of God in the midst of life as a grad student. We are really grateful to Sarah and Grad and Faculty Ministries for allowing us to share these words of encouragement as many of you start or continue the adventure of graduate school in these strange times.
— Caroline Triscik, podcast host