“We know that the Lord meets our deepest needs and has the ability to heal our deepest hurts, but also — most of the time the Lord uses other people. And so we really need each other.” — Sheila Wise Rowe
Sheila Wise Rowe talks with us about the importance of mental health, the unlikely pairing of lament and celebration, and the complexities of growing up gifted and Black.
Let me invite you into a conversation with Sheila Wise Rowe, counselor, speaker, spiritual director, and author of Young, Gifted, and Black: A Journey of Lament and Celebration. In this new book, Sheila explores the complex emotional landscape that comes along with the Black experience for those who are young and gifted, covering topics from perfectionism to boundaries to healing from trauma. The principles that Sheila teaches us through the pages of her book address these experiences in a way that fully acknowledges the complexity of the young lives she is talking about, while also being universal enough to apply authentically to the experiences of all of us — young or old, from a variety of backgrounds. I especially love the way Sheila’s work is so fully undergirded by her deep faith — a quality that I think comes through loud and clear both in this interview and in her writing. This is the second time Sheila has been on the podcast, and it’s a delight to have her back with us for a fresh conversation.
So have a listen! We're so glad you're here.
— Ann Boyd
You can listen on iTunes or at The Women Scholars and Professionals Podcast. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.
Further resources for this interview:
Photo by Artsy Solomon on Nappy.co