Many professors, and their children, are returning to school this fall wondering how it will all play out. With so much uncertainty and fear about the upcoming year swirling about, we offer this prayer. We stand with you in praying that you and your children will experience the creative, redemptive, and sustaining grace of the One who was neither surprised by the last 18 months, nor unsure about our future, who cares about you, your family, and your schools.
A Prayer Before School
Abba, as my young and I return to school, we acknowledge you as Creator.
Create in us eyes to see
your image in all whom we meet this year,
your splendor in all that we study this year,
your active love in the midst of our campuses, playgrounds, labs, classrooms, and cafeterias this year.
Create in us ears to hear
the cries of those around us,
including those who may not yet know they are fearfully and wonderfully made,
and your still small voice, reminding us that whether we are wildly successful or failing
miserably, your love for us is unchanging.
Jesus, as my young and I return to school, we acknowledge you as Redeemer.
Redeem our minds so that we may
love learning,
be wise, even when it looks foolish to the world,
and, ultimately, have the mind of Christ.
Redeem our relationships
with professors, staff, teachers, aids, students, and administrators,
with our friends, helping us to be reconcilers as you were a reconciler.
Holy Spirit, as my young and I return to school, we acknowledge you as Sustainer.
Sustain our energy, allowing us to
say yes to all you have called us to, whether publications, naps, activism, or playdates,
say no to invitations that did not come from you,
complete the necessary but mundane tasks before us, knowing that in your kingdom there is
no work beneath our dignity.
Sustain our bodies and souls
from bullies, whether they are on the playground or in the faculty meeting,
from Covid and other illnesses,
from the lack of creation care, that threatens the future of all children,
from the racism, ableism, and sexism that plague our schools,
from our complicity in those very same sins.
Triune God, we want to see you, follow you, and be like you in our schools this year.
Holy Trinity, take us to school this year, where we can learn to
love others as you continue to love us
resource others as you continue to resource us
see the dignity and worth in others as you continue to see them in us.
Then bring us home each night with stories of your creative, redemptive, and sustaining grace.
Kathy and Tara are writing a book on spiritual transformation for mothers. To learn more, check out their website at WelcomeJesusWelcome.com.
Photo by Wyncliffe on StockSnap.