
By Anna Moseley Gissing

A couple of weeks into Advent, I realized that our best-laid plans for living into the season were for naught. Though we had our Advent wreath on the dining room table with a short devotional guide...

By Carmen Acevedo Butcher

New life is always messy. And it can seem alien at first. Add to that realities like fluctuating hormones and the transition can be hard. When I was pregnant, I tried everything, including eating saltines...

By Anna Moseley Gissing

During Advent 2009, I was “great with child.” In fact, when we introduced our newborn daughter to our toddler son in early January, he mistook her for the baby Jesus. Pregnancy reminds me of Advent...

By Katherine Jeffrey

Katherine Jeffrey sees a theological symmetry between the first and second Eve, but also the human side of both women's suffering.

By Sara Scheunemann

Sometimes life feels like a perpetual Advent. We are waiting, always waiting. The focus of longing shifts and varies in intensity and significance, but still we wait. Our posture swings from joyful anticipation, to frustrated demands for resolution . . . 
