calling & vocation

By Ann Boyd

I am a little shy about raising the topic of women in the church. When pressed, I will gladly speak my mind and enter into the controversy. But so often it feels like discussing politics these days — more like getting into a fight than having a real discussion with an exchange of ideas . .

By Sara Scheunemann

Rejoicing with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15) seems like it should be one of the “easy” commands of the Bible. Certainly, the call to rejoice should be a delightful one. . .

By Tish Harrison Warren

I was nearly 22 years old and had just returned to my college town from a part of Africa that had missed the last three centuries. As I walked to church in my weathered, worn-in Chacos, I bumped into our new associate pastor...

By Carmen Acevedo Butcher

Across campus, singing birds pull out all the stops, and students read in hammocks strung between trees; so spring approaches: “Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!” as Elizabethan playwright Thomas Nashe wrote 400 years ago...

By Kate Peterson

Pondering her pre-tenure review, an assistant professor considers what she might change and what she cannot change to meet expectations.

By Jon Boyd

I love books that urge you to read more books — and I say that honestly as a reader, not just because I work for a publisher. One of our new titles makes a particularly good case for reading more...
