Blog March 08, 2017By Heather Walker PetersonOn Not Having It All Together: Lent Isn’t AdventHeather Walker Peterson reflects on the way Jesus sees through polished exteriors and meets us during Lent.
Arts, Books, and Media January 30, 2017By Carmen Joy ImesReflections on a Year of Leaning In Carmen Imes considers what she has learned after a year of taking Sheryl Sandberg’s advice.
Reflections November 22, 2016By Jen Pollock MichelGratitude: Learning to Keep WatchAuthor Jen Pollock Michel reflects on the discipline of watching for God as a tool to cultivate gratitude.
Reflections June 20, 2016By Bronwyn LeaMy Quilted Calling: Sewing Together the Scraps of My Story Bronwyn Lea tells of her meandering journey seeking her calling — and the pattern God is finally revealing.
Reflections June 20, 2016By Christine WagonerTeak Furniture and Me: Pondering my Journey from Singleness to MarriageChristine Twedt reflects on the ways God has shaped her life through singleness as she stands on the brink of matrimony.
June 14, 2016Dear Mentor: Should I give up on dating?I'm not having success in the dating arena. Should I bail?
Arts, Books, and Media June 06, 2016By Anna Moseley GissingStrong and Weak: What does it mean to flourish?Anna Moseley Gissing dives into Andy Crouch's latest book about the dynamics of power and vulnerability.
November 12, 2015Dear Mentor: Can I grow spiritually and also have fun during the stress of grad school?Is it possible to be a thriving, growing person in graduate school?
Arts, Books, and Media December 16, 2014By Jen Pollock MichelHoly Desire: A Conversation with Jen Pollock MichelJen Pollock Michel, author of CT's 2015 Book of the Year, speaks on having a practical theology of desire.
Reflections September 30, 2014By Elizabeth BradleyGetting Rid of Good StuffElizabeth Bradley experiences God's direction in pruning her physical and temporal life.