
By Jasmine Obeyesekere Fernando

We mourn the murder of people in Garissa, among them students from our sister movement in FOCUS Kenya — another grim reminder that in parts of the globe today, Christians are randomly killed...

By Anna Moseley Gissing

A couple of weeks into Advent, I realized that our best-laid plans for living into the season were for naught. Though we had our Advent wreath on the dining room table with a short devotional guide...

By Michelle Shappell Harris

MIchelle Harris considers the benefits of giving without concerns about the return on her investment.

By Paula Fuller

Monday, Michael Brown’s parents asked the media and the protestors for a day of silence so they could memorialize their son. I was thankful for the silence. I needed it. I also needed our Sunday church services (morning and evening) to renew my mind regarding God’s sovereignty...

By Dorcas Cheng-Tozun

Dorcas Cheng-Tozun takes a close look at the gifts and challenges of her Asian-American upbringing and considers how it has impacted her understanding of God's character.

By Joanne Marshall

I was troubled this week by Buzzfeed’s reporting of the hate-filled Twitter responses of students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign when their chancellor, Phyllis Wise, announced that classes would be held, despite the cold . . .

By Kathy Khang

Kathy Khang considers the possibilities and limits for Christian women in pursuit of God's call on their lives.

By Kathy Khang

Kathy Khang describes the concrete steps she took to overcome depression and the cultural stigma mental health issues carry within the Asian American, American, and Christian cultures. 
