We mourn the murder of people in Garissa, among them students from our sister movement in FOCUS Kenya — another grim reminder that in parts of the globe today, Christians are randomly killed...
A couple of weeks into Advent, I realized that our best-laid plans for living into the season were for naught. Though we had our Advent wreath on the dining room table with a short devotional guide...
Monday, Michael Brown’s parents asked the media and the protestors for a day of silence so they could memorialize their son. I was thankful for the silence. I needed it. I also needed our Sunday church services (morning and evening) to renew my mind regarding God’s sovereignty...
Dorcas Cheng-Tozun takes a close look at the gifts and challenges of her Asian-American upbringing and considers how it has impacted her understanding of God's character.
I was troubled this week by Buzzfeed’s reporting of the hate-filled Twitter responses of students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign when their chancellor, Phyllis Wise, announced that classes would be held, despite the cold . . .
Kathy Khang describes the concrete steps she took to overcome depression and the cultural stigma mental health issues carry within the Asian American, American, and Christian cultures.