“You just cannot rush all the time, morning til night, and hear from God. I constantly remind myself of Elijah — it’s the best story for a worn-out working mother there is .... It was in the quiet whisper he heard God’s voice.” — Cheryl Bachelder
Listen in on our interview with business leader Cheryl Bachelder in this special edition podcast from our Dear Mentor LIVE series.
Our Dear Mentor column has been a popular place for readers to ask about issues and challenges they encounter. In the summer of 2020, we hosted a three-part series entitled Dear Mentor — LIVE (MBA Edition) with live conversations with women leaders. Cheryl Bachelder is a gifted leader who loves Jesus and is particularly interested in helping Christians think about the ways in which their faith should impact their work. She’s been involved in a number of MBA Ministry events including the annual Believers in Business Conference. We are grateful for the perspective, wisdom, and guidance given in this conversation.
— Karen Hice Guzmán
You can listen on iTunes, Spotify, or at All Shall Be Well: Conversations with Women in the Academy and Beyond. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.
Links mentioned in this interview:
Photo by Mary from Stocksnap.