“My prayer is almost always, ‘Help me to see this situation the way you see it.'” — Sandy Jap
Listen in on our interview with business leader Sandy Jap in this special edition podcast from our Dear Mentor LIVE series.
Over the years I have appreciated the leadership, wisdom, and presence of Dr. Sandy Jap in a number of situations where we have partnered to serve students and faculty. I am impressed by her commitment to living out her life with Jesus in the classroom, in her discipline, and in the other spheres in which she operates. I am grateful for her willingness to be a part of our Dear Mentor—LIVE (MBA Edition) series last summer and for her candid and helpful engagement with issues facing Christian women in the university and workplace, including speaking to the intersection of race and gender as an Asian American woman.
— Karen Hice Guzmán
You can listen on iTunes, Spotify, or at All Shall Be Well: Conversations with Women in the Academy and Beyond. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.
Links mentioned in this interview:
Photo by The Building Envelope from Stocksnap.