“Advent turns our eyes away from [ourselves] toward this much bigger story of God’s salvation of all the cosmos.” — Tish Harrison Warren
Anglican priest and author Tish Harrison Warren talks with us about the traditions of Advent and how to observe the season meaningfully in the midst of a busy time of year.
It’s November 2023 and the beginning of Advent is rapidly approaching in just a couple of weeks on December 3. But what exactly is Advent and how can we observe it well? Anglican priest and author Tish Harrison Warren joined us on the podcast for a discussion of her recent book, Advent: The Season of Hope. Tish’s background as a campus minister with InterVarsity’s Graduate and Faculty Ministries gives her special insight into the busy nature of December, and she offers practical and grace-filled advice for praying through Advent as an academic. The book isn’t an Advent devotional, but instead a book that orients the reader to the practices and traditions of Advent and suggests ways to integrate them into life today. It’s a fascinating book, and I think you’ll like this conversation — we have a special place in our hearts for Tish and it’s a joy to chat with her about life, writing, theology, Advent, and everything in between.
Also — I’m pleased to tell you that InterVarsity Press is offering a discount for listeners of this podcast. Just use the code IVPPOD25 for 25% off and free shipping when you purchase Tish’s book at ivpress.com. And if you listen to the end of the podcast, I’ve included an excerpt in which Tish shares her thoughts on Advent wreaths and Advent calendars.
But before we move on to the interview — let me encourage you to join our Advent devotional readings at The Well for 2023. We’ll be praying through a free online devotional by Kate Bowler and meeting a few times online to discuss and reflect. We’d love to have you join us.
And one more thing — this will be our last podcast episode for 2023. We’re already working on a lineup of terrific guests for the new year, and we’ll be thrilled to be with you again in January 2024.
So jump right in! We're so glad you're here.
You can listen on iTunes or at The Women Scholars and Professionals Podcast. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.
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