book club

By Jasmine Obeyesekere Fernando

Interested in learning why we are a racially divided country? Ken Wytsma shows how our history impinges on the present and our role in reconciliation. 

By Christina Bieber Lake and Jasmine Obeyesekere Fernando

Listen in on our book club conversation with author and professor Dr. Christina Bieber Lake where we discuss thriving in academia — even during a pandemic.

By Jasmine Obeyesekere Fernando

Might each of our life stages be a calling? Are there multiple callings in some seasons? The authors offer a unique perspective on Vocation by suggesting Lifespan as the lens through which we can view our callings.

By Jasmine Obeyesekere Fernando

Interested in reading a woman apologist of C.S. Lewis’s caliber and era? Uncover Dorothy Sayers’s insights on Theology and Work from selected essays and discover the clarity and confidence with which she articulates Christian doctrine.
