A few years ago during Lent, I started picking up the books I loved as a child for another reading. Maybe I did so because I had given up television and movies, but still found myself longing for stories. Or maybe my familiar old friends...
"May these wise words shine on our wintry souls, frozen by loneliness and hurt, and thaw us." This invocation opens Following Christ: A Lenten Reader to Stretch Your Soul...
No matter what stage of life you're in, there are always seasons of busyness. Whether you are working full-time, in grad school, parenting small children, or just on your way out the door to your next appointment...
After Francis Su gave his lecture accepting the Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished Teaching of Mathematics, he had so many requests for the text that he shared it...
I love books that urge you to read more books — and I say that honestly as a reader, not just because I work for a publisher. One of our new titles makes a particularly good case for reading more...