We put out a Call for Stories with five $500 cash prizes, made availalbe by a grant from the Sister Fund, for compelling stories of women influencing their corner of the world. We sought stories of graduate, faculty, and professional women of Christian faith who use their position and influence to impact lives and change the world in big and small ways.

Our Judges
We sent all the entries to our judges, women working in higher education who have been involved — as writers, on the advisory council, as volunteers — with the work of The Well:
All three read the entries, discussed them, and made the difficult decision of choosing the final five. Of these five, Sara writes, “All, we felt, exhibited excellent writing and a strong voice besides fitting the categories [of being] a world changer, Christ follower, and connected to the academy.”
Call for Stories Award Winners
We are excited to announce the recipients of the $500 awards for our "Call for Stories" at The Well. The five as presented by our judges are:
Call for Stories Honorable Mention
We received 44 entries to our Call for Stories and regret that we are unable to give monetary awards to more than five. Many other excellent pieces were submitted which we will be sharing at The Well. Look here for the listing of our Honorable Mention entries as they are posted.
The contest is over, but we always love to hear accounts of women following Christ, using their education and position to be world changers.
Thank you, our writers and readers, for sharing in these stories at The Well!