By Stephanie Bent, Karen Hice Guzmán, Melodie Marske, Lisa Sung and Kaitlyn Schiess

"Only Jesus completes us. Only Jesus can meet us in the deepest places and in the ways that we most need and want and long for in terms of intimacy and wholeness and hope." — Dr. Lisa Sung
Listen in on a remarkable roundtable conversation where we hear four thoughtful, faithful women respond to questions about living a full Christian life as a single woman.
Let me invite you into a special episode where we have the opportunity to listen into a roundtable conversation on the topic of Singleness. The conversation is hosted by Karen Guzmán, our director at Women in the Academy and Professions, and I’ll let her introduce our four esteemed guests and some of the important questions they’ll delve into, including issues around work, family, friendship, and the church. The collective wisdom revealed in this conversation is remarkable, and I felt continually impressed and grateful for the honestly, vulnerability, and faithfulness of these women as we asked them to share deeply about a pretty personal topic. This conversation is well worth listening to whether or not you are single yourself. It’s exactly the kind of thing that everyone — single, married, widowed, or divorced — can benefit from as we seek to build a worldwide church that honors all people and their callings, without regard to their marital status.
So have a listen! We're so glad you're here.
— Ann Boyd
Further resources for this interview:
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