Kaya works as Biblical Research and Ministry Specialist at Glorify Performing Arts, a non-profit, Christian ballet company in Pennsylvania. She holds an MTS and Certificate in Theology and the Arts from Duke Divinity School. She received her BA from Grinnell College, where she was a student leader in her InterVarsity chapter from 2015 to 2019. Kaya enjoys studying languages, ancient and modern, and dancing incessantly to meditate on theological concepts or to connect with her friends and community.

Jen is an Adjunct Professor of Old Testament with Ecclesia College. After finishing her PhD coursework, she and her husband Casey moved to the mountains of Utah to provide more opportunities for their special needs son. Their whole family enjoys the year-round outdoor opportunities in their area, especially hiking and downhill skiing. Because of Jen's and Casey's commitment to supporting their son, Jen primarily works from home, serving the church through her online teaching and her blog.

D.L. Mayfield lives and writes on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon with her husband and two small children. Her first book of essays, Assimilate or Go Home: Notes from a Failed Missionary on Rediscovering Faith was released by HarperOne in 2016. Her second book, The Myth of the American Dream: Reflections on Affluence, Autonomy, Safety, and Power will be released in April 2020. Her writing has appeared in a variety of places, including McSweeneys, Christianity Today, Sojourners, The Washington Post, Image Journal, Vox, and The Rumpus, among many others. She is trying very hard to be a good neighbor.

Erin Thomason is a psychological and cultural anthropologist with a specialty in rural China. Her work considers how economic changes and rural development create novel demands for families. She has a special interest in older women's experiences of childcare. 

Susan Mettes is a writer and an opinion researcher based in Washington, DC. She is writing a book on loneliness for Brazos Press that will be published in fall 2021.

Grace P. Cho is a Korean American writer, poet, speaker, and the Editorial Manager at (in)courage. In the middle of her years as a pastor, she felt a pull toward using her words to lead others in a broader context. She believes storytelling can create movements that change the world and desires to elevate women of color’s voices in the publishing industry. Grace is the co-editor of Take Heart: 100 Devotions to Seeing God When Life’s Not Okay and the author of the (in)courage Bible study, Courageous Influence. Learn more at @gracepcho and gracepcho.com.

By Mindy Erdmann

Mindy Erdmann issues a call for white American Christians to educate themselves through reading and listening first.

Mindy Erdmann is currently a Master of Divinity student at Duke Divinity School, and has a bachelor's degree in math with a minor in education. Before moving south to pursue her degree, she spent 20 years in Cleveland, Ohio working for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in between gigs as a middle and high school math teacher in various settings, from an urban charter school to an elite boys' prep school. Most recently she served InterVarsity in East Ohio as an an Area Specialist for Scripture Engagement and Racial Justice. 

Mindy is also wife to a professional art conservator and mother to two boys through adoption. She and her family live in Durham, North  Carolina. 

Dr. Julia Moore is Director of English Language Programs in The Graduate School and a lecturer in the Department of Linguistics at Northwestern University. As an applied linguist, she works with international students and scholars to support their language learning and adjustment to life in the US. As a 2019-2020 EdTech Fellow, she is developing ways for her online students to engage with one another in real time wherever they are in the world. She lives outside of Chicago with her husband Mark and two daughters.

Emery Silva first fell in love with writing, then Jesus, then her sorority, and eventually InterVarsity’s mission to students. She planted Greek InterVarsity at Northwestern University in Chicagoland and enjoyed serving students for 16 years while juggling three kids and a husband. After a stint of MPD coaching, she became the Associate Director of MPD. Outside of InterVarsity, you can find her cooking up a storm for friends and family, biking by the lake, or taking the kids to the library, again.
