The ministry of The Well runs entirely on donations through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

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Do you have an event for women coming up in your area? Let us know through the form below and we'll consider promoting it.

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Contact Us

We, the staff at The Well, want to hear from you! Send us your thoughts in the form below.

Or if you'd like to send something by post, our address is:

The Well
Women Scholars and Professionals
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA
P.O. Box 7895
Madison, WI 53707-7895

We, the staff at The Well, want to hear from you! Follow the drop-down list or use the links below to connect with us:

Links to information about The Well and WSAP.

By Dorcas Cheng-Tozun

I feel perpetually tired these days. Tired in my parenthood, tired of holding down the fort while my husband travels around the world for business, tired in the fledgling career I’m still trying to build. My best efforts keep getting poured out...
